Mother Nature knows best... and so do I

At Job2 right now and a baby bird fell out of it's nest and my brilliant associates took it upon themselves to scoop it into a bucket and place it in one of the manager's offices. Not to mention one of associates from a department is a part time EMS and declared that this qualified him to pronounce that this baby bird would not make it much longer, and said he would take it home.

Being addicted to Google, I immediately did a quick search on baby bird out of nest as well as contacting my veterinarian (which I have conveniently on speed dial, being the frantic mother of two knuckleheaded dogs who constantly bash into things and leap off of high places that require a parachute). There was no other answer than to put it back into it's nest, regardless of it's condition. I relay this to my fellow co-workers and the response is... "But it's so high up!" NO SHIT. They're not going to make their nests at ground level for the convenience of predators. And, what's this? We work in a store that has a whole aisle dedicated to ladders? Oh, and as an added bonus we also have a special lift that goes those extra high distances without injuring anyone? WOW, so it really wouldn't be all that much trouble to take 5-10 minutes to save this little baby bird's life, huh?

Will keep an update on whether I can convince job2 to do what is being strongly recommended and leave the baby back with it's parents, which is what we do with human babies when something horribly goes wrong.

UPDATE: Just as I suspected these heartless monsters are not helping this baby back to it's parents. In fact the store manager and another associate suggested we put it out of it's misery and throw it in the trash compactor. I was tempted to call the headquarters and report major assholeness going on right here but didn't think that being uncompassionate would be underlined anywhere in the handbook.

So the temporary solution is I'm taking it home. As my sister so adorably insanely put "Better it died in the hands of a loving one then that of a demonic one". We're going to take it home and tend to it best we can, and then call the wildlife rescue first thing on Monday.